Our Auto Repair and Maintenance Services
Please give us a call for more details on how we can get your vehicle running effortlessly.
The following list is an example of the services we provide.
Oil Changes
Your engine will not run properly without adequate lubrication. By changing your oil every 3,000 miles, you will eliminate excess wear on your engine and improve your gas mileage. We perform the following:
- Refill with up to 5 quarts of castrol oil
- New oil filter
- Chassis lube
- Inspection of belts, hoses, air filter, check fluid levels and check tire pressure
Performing regular maintenance helps ensure a long life for your vehicle. Our experienced technicians will inspect your car and, if necessary:
- Replace spark plugs, wires, and boots
- Replace distributor cap
- Replace rotor
- Analyze exhaust emissions
- Adjust ignition timing and idle speed control
- Perform a comprehensive maintenance inspection
- Replace air filter and fuel filter
Engine Diagnostics
We carry the most up-to-date diagnostic equipment on the market today. We can specialize in these diagnostic and testing services:
- Fuel injection system diagnostics
- Carburetor testing
- Ignition system diagnostics
- Emissions testing
- Computerized engine controls testing for accuracy
Climate Control and Air-Conditioning
With the enactment of federal regulations regarding the use and disposal of refrigerants, it has become extremely important that climate control services for automobiles are handled by educated and certified mechanics. Katy Auto Care follows the federal standards and maintains the environment by:
- Inspecting performance of the system
- Checking for leaks
- Recovering contained refrigerants
- Recycling refrigerants
- Restoring the system to peak performance
- Pressure-testing the system
The brakes are the most important safety feature your vehicle can have. Without a safe, sure-stopping ability, your car should not be on the road. Our mechanics can:
- Replace worn pads and linings
- Turn or cut rotors and/or drums
- Adjust and bleed the system
- Repack wheel bearings
- Replace calipers, wheel cylinders, and master cylinder
Our scheduled maintenance services will save you valuable time and money and keep your car running in tip-top shape. You'll always feel secure behind the wheel when you enlist the services of Katy Auto Care.